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181 Wind Chime Ct., Suite 102, Raleigh, NC 27615
Evenings and Saturdays available upon request
What Type of Device Do You Use?AQUA-CLEANSE is an FDA Class II medical device designed and manufactured by quality medical supply in Arizona USA. AQUA- CLEANSE received their papers in Sept 15th 2015, and has quickly acquired the reputation of the best practice device, due to its stability, smooth operation and exceptionally high quality of parts.
Under What Conditions is Colon Hydrotherapy NOT Recommended?The 3 medical indications recognized by the Department of Health for the application of colon hydrotherapy are: fecal impaction, chronic constipation, and preparation for endoscopy. The medical contraindications recognized by the Department of Health for the application of colon hydrotherapy are: uncontrolled blood pressure/hypertension, intestinal perforation, carcinoma of the rectum, fissures or fistula, severe hemorrhoids, abdominal hernia, renal insufficiency, recent colon or rectal surgery, abdominal surgery, first and last trimester of pregnancy, cirrhosis of liver. Under no circumstance are colonics to be administered for persons with these conditions.
What Will Colon Hydrotherapy Do For the Colon?A colonic may accomplish the following: Cleanse the colon: Through the gentle infusion of water, impacted waste material is broken down and then eliminated so it can no longer harm your body or inhibit assimilation and elimination. Even debris built up over a long period of time can be broken loose in the process of a series of colonics. Once impacted material is removed, the colon will begin to function optimally and heal damage due to improper functioning and waste build-up. In this very real sense, a colonic is a rejuvenation treatment. Hydrate: Water is gently infused into the colon, where some of it is reabsorbed back into the body through the lining of the colon. This hydration rejuvenates the cells of the body. The extra hydration in the colon may also soften and loosen hard impacted waste that has adhered to the walls of the colon. Stimulate Reflex Points: Every system and organ of the body is connected to the colon by reflex points. Colonic irrigation stimulates these points, thereby affecting the corresponding body parts in a beneficial way. Exercises the Colon Muscles: The build up of toxic impacted debris weakens the colon and impairs its functioning. The gentle filling and emptying of the colon improves peristaltic (muscular contraction) activity by which the colon naturally moves material. Consider the repeated cycles of fill and release that is conducted throughout a session to be exercise for the colon muscles. Reshape the Colon: When problem conditions exist in the colon, they tend to alter its position, which in turn causes more problems. The gentle action of the water, coupled with the elimination of bulging pockets of waste may enable the colon to resume its natural state. Colon Hydrotherapy is not addictive… It encourages the restoration of the colon’s natural function by removing impacted debris and strengthening peristalsis.
What Exactly is the Colon and What Does it Do?To maintain good health, your body must effectively process food and eliminate bodily waste. The main functions of the colon are absorption of water and minerals, and the formation and elimination of feces. Your large intestine, aka “colon,” together with your lungs, skin, lymph and kidneys are designed to accomplish the essential task of the elimination of toxins and waste matter. The colon is the final portion of the human gastrointestinal (GI) tract that extends from the mouth to the anus. It is a muscular tube approximately 5 feet in length and has an average diameter of approximately 2 ½ inches. Muscular movements called peristalsis, which is initiated by the nerve supply to the colon, move along the contents of digestion. The process of digestion from ingestion of food to defecation, normally takes between 12 to 24 hours assuming that the colon is fully functional and non-toxic. Irregular or infrequent bowel movements can allow toxic residues, from the by-products of undigested foods, to remain in the colon. The colon contains up to 60 varieties of micro flora or bacteria to aid digestion, promote vital nutrient production, maintain pH (acid-base) balance, and prevent proliferation of harmful bacteria. These bacteria provide important functions such as the synthesis of folic acid and valuable nutrients from foods, including vitamins K and portions of the B complex. Bacillus coli and acidophilus comprise the majority of healthy bacteria in the colon along with other bacteria in lesser numbers. The process of digestion from ingestion of food to defecation, normally takes between 12 to 24 hours assuming that the colon is fully functional. Irregular or infrequent bowel movements can result in an imbalance and allows for the by-products of undigested foods to remain in the colon. A person with a healthy colon will have 2 to 3 bowel movements per day, shortly after each meal taken. Elimination should be complete and easy. The stool should be light brown in color, long and with a large diameter. There should be no offensive odor and it should break apart with toilet flushing.
What Happens During a Colon Hydrotherapy Session?Colon hydrotherapy, aka “colonics,” is one of the most important and effective ways to clear the colon of impacted waste material. Basically, it is the safe, gentle infusion of water into the colon via the rectum. During the session, the client lies in a slightly inclined position on a treatment table. They are modestly covered with a sheet to ensure complete privacy and comfort. A small disposable speculum is gently placed, through which warm, filtered water passes into the colon. During a session, a skilled therapist uses several fills and releases of water, as well as light massage techniques, to dislodge toxic waste matter adhering to the walls of the colon, as well as to help stimulate peristaltic action (muscular contraction). The dislodged fecal impactions are then gently washed away through the system’s waste disposal hose.
How Do I Know Colon Hydrotherapy is a Good Choice For Me?If you’re experiencing constipation or diarrhea, gas and bloating, or other digestive discomfort, colon hydrotherapy can be highly beneficial for you. Colon hydrotherapy may also improve immunity and hydration, while lowering stress, congestion, and mental fogginess. Today’s diets consist in great part of refined, processed foods that are high in saturated fats and sugars and low in fiber. Most health practitioners believe that eating these foods, as well as overeating, ignoring the call to eliminate, stress, allergies/food sensitivities and medications can contribute to poor colon health and constipation. The colon contains the largest concentration of bacteria in the body. Waste material allowed to stagnate alters the proportion of friendly bacteria to unfriendly bacteria, disrupting the balance of microorganisms essential to the health of the colon and the body in general. Colon hydrotherapy may be valuable in minimizing the effects of both dietary and environmental stressors and toxins that bombard us on a regular basis and can lead to immune system imbalances.
What Can I Expect After a Session?After a session, many people report a sense of lightness, joy, clarity, and lessening pressure within the body. There is often a deeper capacity for breathing and a flattening of the abdominal area. You may experience easier eliminations, improved digestion, weight loss, and deeper relaxation. The most common occurrence after a session is a slight delay in bowel movements for a few days, followed by easier, more frequent eliminations. Rarely, clients can experience detox-like symptoms, such as aches, pains, mild fevers, gas, and fatigue. This is attributed to the stirring up of toxic material and is usually a transient experience. If this occurs, be gentle with yourself, take an Epsom salt bath, and allow yourself to rest. We also recommend continuing your colon cleanse protocol, as this often helps minimize these symptoms.
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